Sadhguru Quotes || Sadhguru Quotes On Life || Sadhguru Quotes About Life || Sadhguru Quotes In English
Sadhguru Quotes || Sadhguru Quotes On Life || Sadhguru Quotes About Life || Sadhguru Quotes In English

"When Your Wanting To Know Something Is So Intense That You Are Wiling To Die For It,Then Knowing Is Not Far Away."

"Religions Of The World Are About One Man’s Belief Against Another,But An Opportunity For All Human Beings To Reach To Their Common Ultimate Source."

"Whatever Is Your Highest You Just Contemplate Upon That.Your Inner And Outer Puity Will Happen Naturally."

"If You Rooted In Reality You Are Not Far Away."

"Man Needs Entertainment Simply To Hide His Madness.If He Was Perfectly Sane,He Would Not Need Entertainment.He Could Just Sit And Watch This Bamboo Grow.He Does Not Really Need Entertainment."

"People Have Come To The Conclusion That Body Means Pain.And Yet,Just The Right Food,Practices And A Little Change In Attitude,And This Body Becomes A Miracle."

"Once The Stillness Comes Into Your Life,Becomes Absolutely Still.When Your Mind Becomes Still,Your Intelligence Explodes."

"When Your Happiness Is Dependent Upon What Is Happening Outside Of You,Constantly You Live As A Slave To The External Situation."

"If You Are Truly A Seeker Of Truth,Truth Cannot Hide From You.It Is The Lap Of Truth That You Have Happened.Most People Who Claim To Be Seekers Are Only Seeking Security,Solace,Or The Fulfillment Of Their Desires."

"Only When You Truly Start Seeking What Is Beyond The Physical Body,The Spiritual Processes Open Up For You."

"Whenever You Are Happy,The Real Source Of Happiness Is Within You. It Bubbles Up. It Is Just That You Are Looking For An External Stimulus To Make You Happy."

"If A Man Is Intelligent Tha Happens Is An Opportunity;If A Man Is Stupid Everything That Happens Is A Disaster."

"When Any Being Calls Or Really Yearns,The Existence Answers.If The Thirst Within You Is Strong Always Answers."

"If You Want To Know The Joy Of Activity,First And Foremost Thing Is That You Must Know How To Give Yourself To Activity With Total Abandon."

"Just Desire The Higest In Life.All Your Passions,Direct Them To The Highest.Even If You Get Angry,Direct It Only Towards Shiva.Even With Your Passion,That’s The Way To Do It.Every Bit Of Angergey That You That You Have,You Expend It By Making It Into Desire,Passion Fear,Anger And Many Other Things."May Be These Emotions Are Not Is Your Hands For Now,But Channeling The In One Directions Is In Your Hands."

"What You Know  As The Highest,You Just Seek That.It Doesnot Matter Whether It Is Going To Happen Or Not Going To Happen,Simply Living Ith The Vision Itself Is Very Elevating,Is Itself Very Liberating,Is Itself A Very Joyous Process For Any Person."

"As Many Colors Of The Rainbow Are An Outcome Of One Pure Light,Many Religions Of The World Are An Expression Of The Same Divine Source."

"When Your Sadhna (Spiritual Practice) Is Based On Hope And Fera,You Wan’t Attain To Anything."

"You Are Not Using Your Intelligence To Reach The Peak Of Your Consciouseness,To Become Peaceful And Loving.You Are Using Your Intelligence To Drive Yourself Crazy."

"You Know Everything About The World,But You Do Not Know Anything About Your Self.This Is A Ridiculos Way To Live."

"Spiritual Process Does Not Mean Looking Up,Or Looking Down,Or Looking Around.It Is About Looking Inward."

"When It Is No More About You,You Can Live Your Life And Do Your Life In Total Abandon;Because There Is Nothing To Gain Nothing To Lose."

"Wanting To Be Special Is A Sickness,It Is Taking A Huge Toll On Life.In Trying To Be Special,People Are Doing All Kind Of Ridiculous Thing."

"When Who You Are And What You Are Is Not Desided By Any External Forces,Then You Are In Dignity."

"The Greatest Crime That You Can Do To Humanity Is To Teach Your Children That Suffering Is A Part Of Their Life.You Have Taken Away The Possibility Of Them Being  Joyous  Human Beings."

"If You Are Not Half Hearted,If You Are Full Blooded Involvement With Everything That You Are Doing You Will See Every Simple Thing As A Miracle."

"Exploration Is What Is Need – Not Ideology.Ideology Means You Have Made Your Summary Of Life.If Life Can Be Summed Up,It Is Not Worth Living."

"Only When You Are Truly Happy,You Can Be Concerned About Somebody.When You Are Unhappy You Are Only Concerned About Yourself."

"We Know How To Go To The Moon, But The Tragedy Is That We Still Do Not Know How To Live On Planet Earth."

"Confidance Can Do Things For You But Confidance Without Clarity Is A Big Disaster On The Planet."

"Every Human Being Is Capable Of Living Absolutely Blissfully Within Himself. They Have Denied Themselves This Because They Never Looked At Themselves."

"What You Can Do And What You Cannot Do Outside Is Always A Comes To The Inside It Is Just A Question Of Willingness."

"If You Can Bring Love Into Your Breath,Into Your Step,Into Every Act That You Do,Not Towards Anybody Or Anything;If You Can Just Bring The Longing To Merge With Everything Around You,Then Creation Will Lead You On The Creator."

"If You Know That You Are Stupid,You Wont Attach Too Much Importance To Your Thought.You Will Start Looking At Life And Your Intelligence Will Flower."

"You Claim That You Love Somebody,But If They Do Not Fulfill Your Needs,You Wont Love Them.I Don’t This Love,I Call This Mutual Benefits Cheme."

"If You Cultivate Your Body,Mind,Emotion And Energy In The Right Direction,Mediation Will Happen.It Is Not Something Tha You Do,It Is A Quality."

"If Your Experience Of Life Transcends The Limitations Of The Physical,Only Say You Are Spiritual."

"Your Desire And Passions Are Just Like This.If You Try And Fight With Them,If You Chop Them,They Will Spill Blood,And With Every Drop,Ahundred Or Thousand Will Come Up.There Is No Point Fighting Them.Just Educate Your Desires To Flow In The Right Direction That Is All.You Can Never Will Be Futile;It Will Be A Waste Of Life."

"In Reality There Is Only Now.If You Know How To Handle This Moment You Know How To Handle The Whole Eternity."

"Everybody Has Their Own Understanding Ideas,Opinions Of The World.They Know These Are Not Worth Anything,Yet They Are Not Willing To Kkep It Down."